Winston the Whale

Warrnambool Social Innovators 2021

December 2021

By Vicki W, Brigitte, Cooper & Oliver

Single-use plastics are a massive pollutant that deplete our natural resources, encourage attitudes of mindless consumerism and threaten/kill wildlife. To combat this issue, this team have developed an idea called Winston the Whale.

Brigitte, Vicki, Cooper and Oliver would like to create a community clean-up event, where rubbish is collected from local beaches. The rubbish will then be sent off to a local artist who will melt down the plastic materials and create a GIANT whale statue called Winston the Whale.

Winston will be placed on a prominent beach front in Warrnambool, with a large plaque identifying the number of people who contributed to collecting the rubbish that became Winston, as well as the weight in rubbish that was collected.

To trial their idea, the team would run a rubbish collection day with students from Warrnambool College’s 8G. From here, the students will use these materials in art class to create smaller pieces of artwork, from keyrings, to mosaics.

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