Ballarat Social Innovators 2022

October 2022

By Cody, Will, Sean & Jett

Do you ever wish you could go skiing, only to remember the snow is hours away?  Do you ever disagree with your friends when deciding whether to go surfing, rock-climbing, or play basketball? Do you ever wish there was a space where you could play any and every sport you can think of?

The Fit 4 Life Sports Centre is the answer for all your sports-related problems.

This ultra-high-tech sports facility has ever sport you can dream of, with golf-carts to transport you from one sporting arena to the next. With every sport in one location, the facility caters towards all kinds of people and differing fitness levels, hoping to encourage the community to grow confidence, stay fit and healthy, and find a sport to suit their passions. 

To trial their crazy idea and promote fitness, this team will host an event where school students can trial lots of different sports with local clubs and coaches. The day will present varying options to cater for different fitness and interest levels, hoping to encourage students to sign up for local teams. 

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