Would you be interested in a global trivia platform that unites people through knowledge and culture, starting with a local trivia night for a cause?
Imagine a world where trivia connects everyone, regardless of language or location. Brigette, Ava, Maya, Amy, and Skye introduce World Wide Trivia Night by ZEBEX, an online platform where users engage in trivia competitions in their native languages. The platform records a global tally of participants, their locations, and answer speeds, creating a fun and competitive way to bring the world closer together while celebrating cultural diversity.
The team will launch a weekly Local Trivia Night, designed to foster community connectedness and support local causes. Participants can enjoy food and nominate local foundations or charities to receive the proceeds. A suggestion box will let attendees contribute trivia questions, adding a personal touch to the event. Winners will be celebrated with weekly 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes, encouraging friendly competition and repeat participation.