
Patterson River Social Innovators Program 2022

June 2022

By Liam, Daymon, Will & Finn.

Our issue is that there are too many people without money or a home. This is a big issue that we feel people aren’t doing enough about, so we decided to make the Home-Kart.

Our big idea is a compact mobile house which has storage, plenty of food, a bed, a heat source, and all able to be driven like a caravan temporarily while they try to find a permanent place to stay. These Home-Karts would be given out to the homeless and a fundraiser would be held as well.

This idea is pretty big, so we decided our Smart Start Experiment to simply build awareness of homelessness and to get people to really empathise, we decided to create an event for schools where the students can participate in an activity called sleeping rough, where they can experience how the homeless would feel sleeping on benches or on the ground. Most often you wake up in the middle of the night and have to move somewhere else and it will help to make the kids empathise with those slseeping rough.

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